Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Best darn carrot salad without measurements

So, one of my bff's, Kim, has been lovingly on my case for years now about writing a cookbook, or teaching cooking classes, or somehow organizing my food knowledge.  But that is so hard for me because food is a little like a mother tongue for me; I don't ever think much about measurements.  I cook until it looks right, until the taste, texture, or smell is right - until it looks good.  Unfortunately this doesn't work for everyone, and I get that.  So, since I was starving to death using my sweet Richard Simmons's Food Mover system, and I wasn't feeling good, I started looking into some other options for cleaning up my health and that of my family.  I knew some people on a forum I frequent at had written about the GAPS diet.  On some divinely inspired impulse, I started researching it.  I was floored!  Being an information addict, I read online until my eyes went blurry.  I ordered Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, and I hungrily devoured the book (pun intended).  I have not done the healing intro diet yet, but I have gone full GAPS for about 2.5 weeks.  In that time, I have been able to stop taking my allergy medicine and have been able to stop taking my GERD/reflux meds. My belly is slowly healing, and I have to pay close attention to what I eat, but I feel so much better!  As a lovely side note, I have lost several pounds as well.  So, mainly at dinner, we have been having two or three veggies with some kind of meat (as clean as we can afford), and the other day, I was searching for something different and easy.  I invented the following carrot salad.  It is almost GAPS diet legal, but Dr. Campbell-McBride suggests not eating fruit with a meal...but oh well, this was darn yummy.  Perhaps we could almost call it a desert...

Use your box grater or a shredding disc on your food processor to shred about 8 organic carrots.

Put these shredded carrots in a large bowl.
Add about 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
Add about 1/4 cup organic raisins
Add about 1/4 cup unsweetened dried apricots, diced
Add about 1/4 cup blanched raw almonds, slivered
Toss all this together.

In a smaller separate bowl mix:
about 1/4 cup mayonnaise (homemade is preferable, but can use organic mayo.  try to avoid regular, which is made with GMO soybean oil)
about 1/3 cup plain keifer or yogurt
about 1/2 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar
one small squeeze of lemon juice (about 1 wedge's worth)
about 2 teaspoons of raw honey (or to your taste; i like it a bit sweet)
celtic sea salt to taste
several cracks of fresh black pepper

Whisk all this together well.  Taste and adjust seasoning; you want it a bit tart and tangy and a bit sweet.

Mix the dressing over the carrots and fruit and nuts.  Toss well and allow to marinate for at least 10 minutes before eating.  If you can wait!

You will probably need to play around with the amounts of things, particularly the dressing - this is just my best guesstimate.  Start with a little of each ingredient and add and taste, add and taste.  Enjoy!  And I highly recommend the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Book...amazing business, that book!

In His web,

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